ISSN 1829-4618


By: Shabas W.A., National University of Ireland, Galway, Professor of International Law, Middlesex University London, International law, human rights law, international criminal law, international humanitarian law

THE Crimes of Crimes.

1.Origins of the legal prohibition of genocide.

This study is principally concerned with genocide as a legal norm. Genocide almost invariablyescaped prosecution because it was virtually always committed, at the behest and with the complicity of those in power. In human history, the concept of international legal norms from which no State may derogate has emerged only relatively recently. This is, of course, the story of the international protection of human rights. The wartime atrocities committed against the Armenian population in the Ottoman Empire had been met with a joint declaration from the governments of France, Great Britain and Russia, dated 24 May 1915.

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